Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The purpose of this organization is threefold
  • to build community
  • to provide service to the school
  • and to assist in fundraising

The PTO consists of parents who currently have students at OLQA School. Each Executive position is a one-year position and each Standing position is a one-year position but can be extended for 1 year if approved by the Nominating Committee.

The PTO meetings are held once a month.

Position Name PTO email
President Nicole Bonita [email protected]
Vice-President/President-Elect  Trisha McKinney [email protected]
V.P. Programs Whitney Barbarics [email protected]
V.P. Programs Francesca Koscielak [email protected]
V.P. Fundraising Amy Montes [email protected]
V.P. Fundraising - Elect Marlo Hovis [email protected]
V.P. Fundraising - Elect  Nicolle Bradshaw [email protected]
V.P. Volunteers Alison Harris [email protected]
Treasurer Maura Quist [email protected]
Secretary Lauren Mitchell [email protected]
Parliamentarian  Marisa Hakala [email protected]
Ambassadors Lucy Johnson [email protected]
Ambassadors  Elizabeth Cheng [email protected]
Athletics Jen Caesar & Tara Murphy [email protected]
Book Fair Patricia Virtuccio [email protected]
Book Fair Emily Zaman [email protected]
Catholic Programs Diana Lubeck/Kelly Hill [email protected]
Enrichment Shannon Hellbusch [email protected]
Enrichment Domini Giachetti [email protected]
Golf Tournament Dottie Hobin [email protected]
Golf Tournament  Jessica Johnson [email protected]
Pickleball Tournament Erin Easthope & Jenny Bartz [email protected]
Hospitality Kristin Mendenhall [email protected]
Hospitality Jennifer Krogh [email protected]
Room Parents Kristin Little [email protected]
School Spirit Krystal Miller [email protected]
School Spirit Catherine Chambers [email protected]
Hot Lunch Andrea Stewart [email protected]
Hot Lunch Rosie Earl [email protected]
Uniform Exchange and Lost & Found Kilian Ollison [email protected]


PTO Proposed Budget and Planning Form

Please use the above form anytime you will be spending money on any given event. The form will allow you to add cost information including details under notes. Please include invoices. Once approved, Nicolle Boyle will make sure vendors or whoever is paid.

PTO Purchase Request


Please use the above GOOGLE form link to request purchases to be made by the school on the PTO's behalf—for example, approved event decor from Amazon, catering, or signs. The information will be submitted directly to Marisa Villamor using this Google form.

PTO Reimbursement Form

Please use this form for approved expenditures that you spent out of your own pocket. Attach receipts and be sure to get these turned in within two weeks post-event. This 2-week window is important as it will help Sara Gebhard keep a more accurate and up-to-date record of available funds.

For questions regarding the above forms and submitting requests for reimbursements, contact Sara Gebhard at [email protected]